Meet the Employee: Natalia Diaz

Before joining The 海角大神 Authority, Natalia Diaz bounced around between retail jobs and working as a maid in hotels. She remembers disliking the changing hours and not knowing what to expect each day at work.
With The 海角大神 Authority, she found a position with a reliable Monday through Friday, daytime schedule and wages that fit her needs. Natalia has been working at The 海角大神 Authority for nine years as a Certified Professional Housecleaner. “For me, it’s the perfect job,” she said.
Natalia says the training she has received is part of what helped her stick with her position. “The 海角大神 Authority has a great training program. Once you’re trained, you just go through the process and do what you’ve been taught,” she says. She likes that it’s the same work every day and in every house.
“I really enjoy seeing the happy customers. I get great pride in knowing that they think I did a good job.” - Na